IAM Celebrates 2024 Alan Peterson Scholarship Winners

The Irrigators Association of Minnesota (IAM) is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2024 Alan Peterson Scholarship. Congratulations to Mikayla Skiba from North Branch, MN, and Brett Bartell from Cold Spring, MN, for their exceptional achievements and dedication to the field of agriculture.

Mikayla Skiba

Mikayla Skiba graduated from North Branch Area High School and is set to attend the University of Minnesota this fall, where she plans to pursue a degree in Animal Science, specializing in veterinary medicine and animal nutrition.

Mikayla’s passion for agriculture is deeply rooted in her family’s history. As a fourth-generation farmer, she has worked alongside her parents and two older brothers, raising and showing beef cattle, and planting and harvesting crops such as corn, soybeans, and hay. Her involvement in 4-H and FFA has equipped her with numerous leadership experiences at local, state, and national levels, promoting the importance of agriculture in everyday life.

Reflecting on her career path and the influences that shaped it, Mikayla shared, “I have had numerous interactions with individuals in the industry. Some of the most impactful include Mark Pesek and Chad Zehnder. I was awarded a MYBEP heifer in 2021 and Mark was my mentor and Chad was the breeder. The support, guidance, and knowledge they shared regarding the importance of properly caring for cattle, having the utmost integrity in the show ring, and how to win humbly and lose with dignity has helped me immensely. Others include Anja Johnson and Brian McNeill, MN 4-H Ambassador Coordinators, who I have had the privilege to meet given my role as a 2nd year MN Agricultural Ambassador. They have shown me the importance of unbiased and inclusive leadership.”

Mikayla also mentioned Jacquie Lonning, the MN 4-H Civic Engagement leader, who inspired her to stretch herself and step outside her comfort zone. With Jacquie’s encouragement, Mikayla applied for and was selected to be part of the elite 2024 National 4-H Congress Design Team. “These individuals, and the positive interactions I have had with others in the industry, have made my career decision easy,” said Mikayla. Her goal is to gain the knowledge and experience to advise others on the importance of high-quality feeding programs to grow healthy and productive herds and to provide preventative care. She aims to become a hometown vet or nutritionist, recommending cost-effective, high-quality feeding programs to unlock the greatest potential of every animal.

Brett Bartell

Brett Bartell graduated from ROCORI High School in 2023 and is currently enrolled at Montana State University, majoring in Plant Biotechnology with a minor in Spanish.

Growing up on his grandparents’ farm instilled in him a deep appreciation for agriculture and the dedication required to grow crops, raise livestock, and create a lifestyle. Brett’s love for technology and innovation began at an early age, leading him to explore how these interests could support the future of agriculture and family farms.

Brett has always been intrigued by the science behind a plant’s growth and development processes. During high school, he researched the challenges facing the agriculture industry, including rising food prices, food shortages, and land no longer usable for farming. Combining his love for technology and his desire to keep agriculture thriving, Brett discovered that a degree in Plant Biotechnology was the perfect fit for him.

The first-year student at Montana State University secured an on-campus job in the Plant Sciences department. Bartell said, “I’m working with one of the labs on campus, assisting with research and testing plants like barley and wheat for heat resistance.” Bartell’s goal after graduation is to pursue a career in a lab to produce better seeds and plants or in the field as a researcher.

Brett emphasized the importance of this scholarship, stating, “I need the support of this scholarship since MSU is an out-of-state choice for me. The costs are higher. This scholarship will help me afford this college with its great research opportunities for students and allow me to focus on my studies and not incur too much debt. My grandparents instilled in me a strong work ethic to want to make a difference in the agricultural community and support family farms to sustain into the future. I am excited to be a part of the technology and advances that will support farmers and our overall well-being of the community and sustainability of our world.”

The Alan Peterson Agricultural Scholarship

The Alan Peterson Agricultural Scholarship is more than just a financial aid program; it represents a commitment to respecting natural resources, embracing innovation, and advocating for agriculture at every level. Named after Alan Peterson, this scholarship embodies his spirit of stewardship towards the land and dedication to advancing agricultural practices.

IAM is proud to support Mikayla and Brett as they embark on their educational journeys and contribute to the future of agriculture. We wish them the best of luck in their endeavors and are excited to see the positive impacts they will make in the agricultural community.

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